
A blog to encourage and educate people in their faith in Christ Jesus.

  • I love this image of street signs that offer you 2 directions to take. To the right you can take the way of Truth and the left, Lies. I find it fitting that Truth points to the right in this image because Jesus sits at the Right hand of the Father according to scripture. In addition Jesus is truth. I didn’t always believe this way. All I can say is what was said by the character Mary Magdalene in the show, The Chosen. “I was one way before and now I am different and all that happened in between was Him.”

    “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

    John 14:6

    He is truth and encompasses truth. If you want to know the truth about something in life or life’s circumstances you need only look to Him, His life, and the Word of God. He is the only way to heaven and the only way to having peace, joy, satisfaction, real purpose, and hope. You can search in money, fame, relationships, careers, family, and other religions but ultimately they will come up short. You will still experience a void within yourself without Christ. God the Father created us this way so that we would yearn for Him and seek Him and not just blithely but with all our hearts. (Jeremiah 29:13)

    I don’t know this simply because someone told me that I have to believe this. I’ve tried other paths in life but in all my searching I found out by experience that He is the only way.


    I had an encounter with the Lord that forever changed me and not just superficially but the deep things within that couldn’t be seen with eyes. I’m talking about the transformative power of the Lord. If only I had understood that He still truly sets the captives free when I was younger but it was never taught.

    I had grown up in church and by that I mean I was sent to church on a bus with other kids whose parents didn’t go. My mom believed in the Lord and talked about Him especially around Christmas and Easter and I’m happy that she at least sent my siblings and I. It was there I got the basic knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that He was born of a virgin, died on the cross for my sins, was risen again after three days and that all who believed could be saved. However my knowledge of scripture pretty much ended there. Oh other things were taught to us and I may have heard people say that Jesus sets us free but it seemed like a cliche as I had not experienced any feelings or results of being set free. Neither had I ever heard a testimony given from anyone at the church about how they have been set free from anything.

    I went to this church from the time I was three or four until I was about 17. It seemed like the only results of accepting Jesus was the ability to go to heaven instead of hell. While spending an eternity in heaven is far better than the alternative it wasn’t until much later that I found out that the goal of the Christian life isn’t just to make it to heaven but that we could embrace His kingdom here and now.

    I discovered that our lives could truly be transformed in such a profound way that we don’t even appear as the same person to ourselves anymore.

    The Transformative Power of Jesus

    In the New Testament there is an account about a man named Saul who was a religious Pharisee who was responsible for the death of many Christians until he had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

    Acts 9

     And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,

    And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

    And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

    And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

    And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

    And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

    And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

    And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus.

    And he was three days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink.

    If you’ve never read this complete story in the Bible I highly suggest that you do as this is one of the best examples that can be given of the transformative power of Jesus. The story goes on to tell us how that a man named Ananias who was a servant of God was commanded by the Lord to go and find Saul and pray for him that he would receive his sight again and when the Lord opened his eyes Saul became Paul. From that day forward he was no longer persecuting and killing Christians but a believer in Christ himself . He went on to preach the gospel to the gentiles, wrote the majority of the New testament, and was beheaded for the Lord.

    There’s another man in the Bible named Peter who was a disciple of Jesus’s. He was the first to recognize that Jesus was the Christ the Messiah sent back to save them. However with as much love as he had for the Lord he still faltered; He took his eyes off of Him and nearly drowned in one account and another account he denied even knowing Jesus altogether. However, after his encounter with Jesus’s ascended body and later being baptized with the Holy Spirit he went on to preach and teach the gospel for the rest of his life. I gave these two examples because I’m not too different from these two men of God.

    I’ve denied Christ in times past and I’ve certainly taken my eyes off him; I may not have killed Christians like Saul but I certainly persecuted them even if in my own thoughts.

    I remember a time not long before the Lord began to change my life where I complained about Christians and how they spoke about the Lord too much and that it wasn’t necessary to use social platforms or media to talk about the Lord all the time. I just didn’t understand it until He changed me.

    I understand now that I was persecuting not only believers but Christ Himself. Notice verse four in the above passage. When people speak evil of or persecute His people He takes it so personal as if they are persecuting Him. According to the Word, they are as He is said to be our Head and we His body. (Colossians 1:18)

    I remember about 6 years ago when I began going to a Pentecostal Church. For the first time in a church service I was seeing people jump, shout, run, dance in the Spirit, and hearing tongues, words of knowledge, wisdom, and testimonies of some getting healed and delivered. I would get angry in church thinking that everyone around me was somehow faking all of the things I was seeing or hearing. I remember praying to the Lord and telling him that I didn’t know if what I was seeing from others was real or not but if there was a chance that it was real and there was more to Him than I had experienced that I wanted to experience it too. I’m so glad He heard and answered my prayer.

    My “Damascus” Experience

    It was August 25, 2018 when I had my own Damascus experience and by that I mean I had an encounter with the Lord that has forever changed me. I had been spending a lot of time alone in my prayer closet asking the Lord for more of Him whatever it looked like. I had also been asking His help on laying down some things for Him so that I could be a light to those around me and was just in general living my life more for Him.

    I went to a revival that night at a local church. During praise and worship there was a woman evangelist who was laying hands on people and praying for them. Long story short, she motioned for me to come to her. When I stood in front of her she asked me something the Lord had asked me earlier that week in my prayer closet. She asked me, “Do you want more of the Lord?” I began to weep because I KNEW it was the Lord speaking through her as that is what He asked me. “Do you want more of me; Are you sure?” I told this woman as I had told the Lord that yes I want more of Him. She told me to close my eyes and pretend that no one else was around me and begin to praise the Lord. I lifted my hands and didn’t know what to say so I just began saying His name, Jesus, again and again. Quietly I called out to Him at first but progressively got louder as I began to have a vision of Him hanging on the cross.

    It was as if I was kneeling below Him looking up. He didn’t look at all like the pretty pictures I had seen. He was barely recognizable as a man. There was so much blood pouring out from His body and it was landing on me. With this vision in my mind, I continued to say His name and began to think about what He did for me not only in dying for me but up until that point in my life. I thought about all the times He extended a hand of mercy to me through people in my life and the many things He had already brought me from. I thought of how He never gave up on calling out to me through all of my wandering and rebellion. I felt so much sorrow for not answering the call sooner. I felt ashamed for things I had done and at the same time so incredibly thankful to Him. I continually said Jesus and remember the evangelist saying to me that I didn’t have to beg Him and that it was a gift.

    I called His name with more boldness and confidence and suddenly I felt all of the sorrow, shame, guilt, regret, and just all the ickiness of life fall off of me like a puddle at my feet as if it was literally being washed off with the blood from Him that was falling on me. Then the minister lightly touched me and said, “Have your way Lord!” Then I experienced what felt like warm oil being poured on me and I felt an indescribable love, joy, and peace that I had never known before in my life. I fell back on the floor under the power of His presence and began speaking in tongues for the first time.

    In a moment He changed me. He took away any remaining doubt I had about His existence and whether heaven or hell were real and whether or not He really loved me and died for me. Like Saul, my eyes were completely opened and I knew I could never think or speak against Him or deny Him ever again! He has always been the way, the truth, and the life but in that moment and ever since He has been my way, my truth, and my life! He desires to be yours as well.

    You can have your own encounter with Jesus. He desires to encounter you, meaning to manifest His presence to you and also to transform you removing all the hurt, all the scars, all the ugliness. He is not some cliche nor is being made free by Him a cliche as I once thought. It is a very real experience. My desire is that everyone I know and all who read this will come to this place with Him where they know Him and understand that He IS the truth they need to embrace! There were no fancy words spoken. I was merely calling out His name with sorrow for my sins and thankfulness to Him.

    He requires a humble heart

    His Word says in Isaiah 66:2 “…but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.” According to the Strong’s concordance the word poor in the Hebrew means afflicted, depressed in mind or circumstances, needy, and humble. The word contrite means smitten, maimed, and dejected as in heart-broken. In the chapter before, Isaiah 65:5 The Lord says that those who act as though they are “holier than thou” are a “smoke in His nose.” These are they which continue in their rebellion and do not realize that they are poor and in need of a Savior. This attitude is the complete opposite of humbleness. His Word also states in Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and SAVETH such as be of a contrite spirit.” He is always watching like the Father in the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 for us to “come home” to Him and ready to run to us with open arms!

    I must be quite honest in saying that when I began this post I didn’t think that I would be writing about this. I can only imagine that this is what came to me because someone out there needs to know that He is very real and that He IS the truth and He loves you more than you can ever imagine. The same love, joy, and peace that I experienced that day and continue to experience in His presence is available to you too. Call out to Him out of a humble heart. He’s watching. He wants you to be free from the weight, the burdens, that you’ve been carrying.

    If you need prayer or have questions feel free to contact me. If you have a similar experience please share in the comments. God bless you all in the name of JESUS.

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  • I feel it’s important to quickly get back to the topic of Gania or God’s garden. I hope that you’ve read the Introduction post but if you haven’t I would suggest you read that as it will help you better understand some of this post. As stated before Gania is Hebrew for God’s garden. Why is this concept of God’s garden so important?

    It started in a garden

    According to Genesis 2:15, after God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him the next thing He did was to place the man, Adam, in the Garden of Eden. It was there in the garden that man first began to have an intimate relationship with God.

    Protected in His Delight

    Gen 2:8  And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 

    This verse, as with most of scripture, has more meaning than meets the eye in the English language. It is important when studying scripture to not just read but study. The meaning just isn’t as rich in other languages and occasionally the actual meaning is lost in translation altogether. I encourage you to look up key words in the Hebrew in the old testament or the Greek for the New Testament.

    The garden meaning

    I would like to pull out two key words from the above verse, garden and Eden. The word garden here does not just mean garden but it actually means a fenced garden or one that is hedged about. This is important to understand because it means that God put man in a place of protection. He hedged them about. Next for the word, Eden.


    In looking at the Hebrew you will find out that Eden is more than just a location. The meaning of Eden in the Strongs Concordance can be pleasure, delicate, or delight. So the Lord God HEDGED man about in His DELIGHT! Notice that I didn’t just say God but the “Lord” God? Why does that matter?

    What’s in a name?

    Everything in scripture matters including the use of different names for God. Each name describes different aspects of His character. Up until the creation of man only the God name, Elohim, was used. Elohim is an impersonal name for God which represents His being Almighty and His plurality of Father, Son, and Spirit. However, something shifted in the creation of man.

    Beginning with Genesis 2:4 we can see that in the English it is now saying “Lord God” instead of just “God.” Lord, here, in Hebrew means Jehovah. Jehovah means eternal and self-existent one but there is more. It is also the personal and intimate name for God. There are no coincidences in scripture.

    His personal name is used here first because it was man that was created in the image and likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26) It was man that the Lord chose to have a relationship with out of ALL His creation! How blessed are we?! This personal name of God signifies His original intent for us, our purpose. That purpose is to have a relationship with Him and be in fellowship with Him. This further explains why the name Eden means God’s Delight.

    More on His Delight

    He placed us in His delight. When I just stop to really meditate on this fact I am so humbled and overwhelmed that the Creator of everything seen and unseen, the King of kings, and Lord of lords delights in us. How small and insignificant we are in comparison to the whole of creation not just everything on earth but we live in a galaxy and there are galaxies upon galaxies. Yet the Lord Jehovah delights in us. Not only that but He formed us with His own hands and breathed life in us.

    We ARE significant

    We are the only part of creation created like Him. Another word for Him in scripture is Abba. It’s used three times in the New Testament. (Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, and Galatians 4:6) One of the Greek definitions for Abba is source. He is our source and that means we are His essence! He is in us and what makes us. There’s so much more that could be said about that. Perhaps in another blog.

    I’m just trying to convey the significance of who we are to Him. We may seem insignificant but to Him we are important. He placed us in His delight. There are many scriptures alluding to the idea of Him delighting in us. I think the following is one of the best examples:

    Zephaniah 3:17, NIV The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

    He loves us! He loves us! He loves us! More than ANYTHING I want those who read my blog to understand how much He loves us! From the very beginning He delighted in man and desired relationship with man. He desires for us to know Him as we are known by Him.

    The apostle, Paul, says it like this:

    1 Corinthians 13:12-13 (amp)

    12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God]. 13 And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love.

    Ephesians 3:16-18

     16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

    17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

    18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

    He never stopped loving us even in our sinful state.

    The Lord God wants to be known by us in a great way now and fully in eternity. He wants us to understand how immeasurable His love is toward us.

    Restoration through Jesus

    Sadly, after the fall of man when Adam and Eve disobeyed God He had to remove them from the Garden. (Genesis 3:22-24) The Lord did this in His mercy though because they had become imperfect and there were consequences to their disobedience. He didn’t want them to live in a state of imperfection indefinitely. Adam and Eve became mortal and were removed from the Garden so that they wouldn’t eat from the tree of life and live forever.

    He hates sin and what it has done to His creation but He loves us! This is why from the beginning He sacrificed His Son. (Revelation 13:8 & 1 Peter 1:18-20)

    1 Peter 1:18-20

    18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

    19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

    20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    It is through faith in Jesus that we are restored back to the place of relationship with the Father!

    John 3:16 (kjv)

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Romans 5:8

    But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    The Father, Jehovah, chose to sacrifice His Son so that we could be forgiven and restored to Him. He loves us so very much and delights in us and also tells us of blessings for those who delight in Him.

    Delight in Him

    He delights in us but He wants us to delight in Him. Salvation is free in that the only requirement is faith in Jesus and His death and resurrection. However, if you desire to be blessed by the Lord and to walk in close communion with Him you must delight in Him. His ways must become your ways. Matthew 6:33 also promises that if you seek His Kingdom and righteousness first that all you have need of will be given to you. There are thousands of promises in the Bible that pertain to not only those who have faith but to all who love the Lord. More on that perhaps in my next blog.

    So as you can see that from the beginning God desired to protect mankind and delighted in us. From the use of the personal name of God, Jehovah, we also saw how He desires a personal and intimate relationship with each of us. Always has and finally, this is the very reason why He sacrificed His Son, Jesus, so that we could be restored to fellowship and commune with Him thereby fulfilling His original intent for us.

    Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

    The Father longs to not only give us eternal life in heaven but to shower us with His blessings now. Blessings of healing, deliverance, prosperity and the ability to live under His anointing and with the same authority that Jesus had. This is, other than forgiveness, our greatest blessing! This is why Jesus preached the Kingdom!

    By repenting and delighting in the Lord we are able to use our God given right to heal the sick, cast out devils, and raise the dead, and call down miracles from Heaven! That is part of our inheritance. Jesus said in John 14:12-14:

    12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

    Do you delight in the Lord?

    I pray that this post helps someone to better understand how precious you are to the Father and how much He loves you. I pray that He uses this to draw all who read closer to His Son and that each person would begin to have or be strengthened in their relationship with the Lord. If you don’t have a relationship with the Father yet I implore you to call out to Him in the name of Jesus and ask Him to come in and save your soul but don’t stop there. Pray, study, and seek Him daily. Find a church that believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and fellowship with other believers as it will strengthen you.

    If you are already a believer I ask you this question, are you delighting yourself in the Lord?

    Is He your life or is He just a part of your life? That should answer the first question.

    If you find that you are not delighting in Him fully pray to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to help you and give you a greater hunger for Him. The blessings that you receive from getting to know Him intimately and following Him in obedience far outweigh anything in the world.

    Questions or Comments

    If you have additional encouragement to offer please share. Testimonies are also always welcome. If anyone should have any questions feel free to ask. You may also contact my husband and I using the web address or code below. God bless you all in the name of Christ Jesus.

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  • Free Indeed


    “Due to childhood sexual trauma your brain is damaged which is the cause of most mental illness. You are going to need medication for the rest of your life.” I’ll never forget these words that were spoken to me approximately 16 years ago. I had never been told this before but instead of a sense of relief that it at least wasn’t my fault, I felt dread. I felt that I was doomed. The Dr. had said it. I was damaged. What followed that conversation was not much different than the several years that preceded.

    Beneath the surface

    Since I was a teenager I had struggled with depression. I had a decent home life with loving and caring parents but there were skeletons in my closet. I had been involved in childhood sexual trauma. It wasn’t till years later that I would learn that to be the cause of most of my problems. I had suppressed it. Too ashamed and embarrassed to deal with it, I had learned to bury it all deep within me. The only problem with that is that at some point it all comes to the surface much like the muck of seaweed and debris in an ocean that only surfaces during a storm. It’s always there.

    It would come to the surface when I felt inadequate which was much of the time. Often I would try to over compensate during adolescence by over achieving in school with academics, numerous activities, and work. I “seemed” to have it all together to others I’m sure when inside I was screaming. I’m just not good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough; I felt defective. The muck within would show it’s ugly head by the numerous relationships I engaged in, always looking for love in all the wrong places. When I moved away from home as a young adult things only got worse.


    I was states away from everyone I knew and on top of the depression I felt lonely, like I had no purpose, or sense of direction. In addition I felt confused about who I was and even my sexuality for a period of years. It displayed itself in a short marriage in which the separation culminated in my trying to commit suicide for the first time and an extended stay at a mental health facility. Over the course of the next 8 years I hid my hurt, or thought I did, in drugs and alcohol and more promiscuity. I spent an entire year almost in doors because the social anxiety and panic were so extreme that I would end up in the emergency room countless times thinking I was having a heart attack. The relationships I had were all highly toxic and even if they lasted for a few years or more were very codependent as usually what we shared in common were similar traumas and ways of coping. It was a terrible cycle. When the doctor spoke those words to me I had three children by then and had attempted to commit suicide for the second time with my children in the home. I needed help.

    A band-aid

    The only problem is that it didn’t help all that much. Although I never attempted suicide again I was increasingly isolated in an extremely abusive relationship and saw no way out. Unfortunately the diagnosis I was given only made my abuser have greater control over me and caused me to trust myself less. I woke each morning wishing that I could just close the curtains and go back to sleep. I went to bed at night with dread that I had to wake the next day feeling the same way. I was prescribed many different medications over the course of the next ten years and after awhile saw a therapist weekly for a long time. I’m not saying that it didn’t help at all but it was merely a band-aid covering a festering wound. I truly felt that I would be on that roller coaster of depression, anxiety, fear, and medication with side-effects, for the rest of my life and I HATE roller coasters. I probably still would be on that dreaded ride if it were not for God.

    A depressed Christian

    In my last blog, God Still Speaks, I told of a time in my life where my Mother had passed away and I began seeking the Lord for myself. If you haven’t read it I encourage you to as it was the development of my relationship with the Lord that lead to my breakthrough.

    About 5 1/2-6 years after I started going to church I was finally strong enough to end that abusive relationship and not long after from something I never thought I’d be free from. He set me free from the roller coaster of mental illness that had plagued me for about 25 long years.

    I moved away from Virginia back home to Ohio where I grew up. I got married, had a better home as I was no longer in public housing, there was regular food in my refrigerator, and my kids were in a safer environment. I had some new friends, was near family, and most importantly had a relationship with the Lord at this point, going to church regularly, studying, and praying daily. All in all my life was looking up in comparison to what it had been like for so long. However, I was still struggling with depression. Yes, you can be a Christian and struggle with depression. However, that is never the Father’s will for his children. You see depression and anxiety isn’t just an illness but often has demonic influences associated with it. I am not saying that a depressed believer is possessed as a believer has been bought by the blood of Jesus but according to scripture you can be demonized or effected by those principalities at play around you. Today I want to announce to all those reading that there is freedom in the name of Jesus!

    Praise for heaviness

    One day I had been feeling particularly down. I didn’t even know why. I had let go of my past and forgiven those who harmed me and myself but I still felt so unbelievably sad. It just felt like a dark cloud of heaviness was over me. It was familiar to me as I had felt that way on and off for so many years. The good news is that the Word of God says that He gives us “…beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, (and) the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…” (Isaiah 61:3) My heaviness was about to be replaced with praise!

    It’s not you

    My ex-husband came home from work and could tell that I had been crying. He asked why and I began to sob again. He continued to offer reasons trying to help figure out why I was so depressed. I could not give him an answer. Then he, having some Biblical understanding from his upbringing, said, “If you don’t know why you are sad then it is not you. You are being attacked.” Suddenly I remembered a verse that my former Pastor had taught on and I had studied but never understood. This was the Holy Spirit reminding me of something I had learned. (Please see John 14:26)

    The passage that the Holy Spirit reminded me of was, Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” I had read it many times but in this moment it was like a light bulb went on in my head. I understood. Also, for the first time since the aforementioned words that the doctor had spoken, I thought that maybe she was wrong. Maybe the problem was not me. Maybe I was not doomed. Maybe I WAS being attacked!

    That evening we went upstairs and he went to shower and I lay in bed listening to worship music and praying. By this point I had been praying all day long and only found myself repeating the words, “Help me Jesus.” When he got out of the shower he felt to pray for me. So he laid next to me and put his hand on my head and began praying. The next thing that happened would seem surreal except that it happened to me.

    Deliverance in the name of JESUS

    As he prayed I found myself after a few minutes hitting him in the chest and telling him to stop. I remember thinking to myself that I wanted him to continue praying but was unable to quit hitting him or telling him to stop praying. Then, it no longer sounded like my own voice coming out of my mouth but there was a deep, growling tone and my teeth were grinding. Next, my body began to twist and flail as if I were trying to get away from him and his prayers. This went on for awhile and I remember him saying something about how maybe he should call the Pastor. Instead he kept praying. I remember hearing him speaking Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection over me and hearing him command depression and oppression to leave me. After some time I spoke in what I would call a demonic tongue but then finally I literally felt that spirit leave my presence. My body fell limp. I was covered in sweat and tears but I felt perfect peace. The depression was gone!

    Behold I make ALL things new

    After that ordeal I lay in bed for a long time thinking to myself, did that just happen?! Did I just get delivered?! I had heard of people being delivered, read about them in the Bible, and seen horrific movies about such things but that was all. Never had I seen anything like that with my own eyes or experienced anything like that! It must have been the Lord that gave me sleep that night because I had so many questions and so much excitement and joy.

    The next morning I sat on my front porch drinking coffee with my Bible in hand and thinking, of course, about what happened the night before. As I wondered about it all this butterfly began to fly around me. It kept circling around me and flying away and coming back until finally it rested on the chair next to me, only a foot away. I looked down at that butterfly and immediately and loudly I heard the voice of the Lord, “BEHOLD, I AM MAKING ALL THINGS NEW!” In that moment I accepted that yes I HAD indeed been delivered from the depression, anxiety, and fear that had me bound for so long.

    He can deliver you too

    It has been a little more than 5 1/2 years since that experience. I no longer take medication because I AM FREE. The doctor was wrong because my God is more powerful than that! Since then I’ve only ever had moments of feeling down and it has been circumstantial. The enemy has tried to attack with those oppressive spirits but I abide in the Lord and GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN ME! I feel no shame or embarrassment or guilt over my past any longer which is why I’m able to freely share. I have joy now that I didn’t know existed. I am forever changed and thankful to my Savior, Jesus. I asked for help and He showed up and set me free!

    I have shared this testimony because I want all to know that God is no respecter of persons and by that I mean that if He did that for me He can and will for you too.

    Freedom is His will

    It is not the will of God for any of His children to be bound by oppression of any kind. John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it MORE abundantly.” Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised…” (Luke 4:18) In fact He already did all He could do so that we could have freedom. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are HEALED.” (Isaiah 53:5)

    There IS freedom in Jesus and those He sets free are free indeed!

    Needing freedom?

    If you are reading this and you have a similar experience of the delivering and healing power of Jesus please comment. If you are hurting and struggling with depression and anxiety or suicidal thoughts I do encourage you to seek help. However, you do not HAVE to stay that way especially if you are already a believer in Christ. It does not have to be the course of your life. Medication and therapy may keep you from ending your life but I know from experience that it is a mere band-aid covering a festering wound. Why would you only continue to do that when there is healing and freedom available?

    I once again encourage you to seek the Lord with all you are by studying His Word daily and praying. You have to fill up on light if you want darkness to flee. If you are not going to church I encourage you to find one that believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and in the gifts of healing, deliverence, and miracles as mentioned throughout the Bible. In addition I would like to invite readers to contact me if you would like to know Jesus better. We teach Bible study online and all are welcome to join. If interested or if you would just like prayer, you may reach me or my husband by using the number or website below:


  • I think it was a little over ten years ago now that I began to recognize the voice of the Lord.  My mother, who was my best friend, had passed away and in my desire to see her again I began truly seeking the Lord for myself for the first time.

    I had grown up in church; By this I mean that I was sent to church every week on a bus full of kids.  My grandparents were Christians and I had that example.  However, in all my years of knowing them and of church going I never understood that I could have a relationship with God.  Sadly, I went from having faith as a child to going out of a mere sense of duty and then wandering away from all that had to do with Him for a long time.  I would say that I wasn’t very receptive in my adolescence to receiving what the Lord may have been trying to tell me through others. 

    My testimony is far too lengthy to tell in completion in this blog but I will say that in all my wandering something stuck.  Some prayers for me that were spoken and some seed that was planted in me did take root in fertile ground which makes sense because His Word never comes back void (Isaiah 55:11).  Hind sight is 20/20 they say and looking back I can see that the times the Lord reached out a hand of mercy to me were numerous.  I am so thankful. 

    Lonely but Not Alone

    So there I was was in my early thirties and my beloved Mother was gone.  That was my greatest fear.  She was one of just a couple friends that I had as I was isolated from years in an abusive and toxic relationship.  It was an extremely lonely time.  I thought that I would die too however, what I found is that what the enemy meant to destroy me with God was going to turn it around for His glory!

    I had three young children at that time.  We were poor, living in public housing in a very dangerous environment. Imagine being in desperate need of food but not having the money to pay rent.  I had to choose often.  There were several occasions that I didn’t have diapers to put on my children and would wrap their bottoms in an old shirt and a plastic bag with tape if I had it.  Outside our door were hundreds more identical apartments also infested with mice and roaches with others who were just as oppressed.  There were gangs and drugs and often I would have to pull my children onto the linoleum floor because bullets were flying outside of our window.  “Bullets had no name”, is what they would say in that neighborhood, “so you better duck.”  I had a boyfriend, the father of my children, as I said, of far too many years but it was just not a good time in my life altogether.  That was home and although it was rough it was better then than the period of homelessness that preceded. 

    This is why the loss of my Mother was all the more difficult than it might have been.  During this period all I could think about was that loss and that if there was a chance she was in Heaven I wanted to see her again.  Out of that desire I began to look for a church to attend.  We had no vehicle so I began each Sunday to walk to different churches in the neighborhood I lived in with kids in tow.  I visited several before I found the one that became our home church for 5 or 6 years.  I remember sitting in that little church and the preacher began to preach a message and it was that message that spoke to me and helped me to realize not only that it was the church we were to attend but that God had His eyes on me.

    Consider The Birds

    “Consider the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.  Are ye not much more valuable than they?” – Matthew 6:26  This verse had meant so much to me for so long.  It couldn’t be a coincidence that this preacher was preaching a message on this passage when I came to visit that church. 

    Several years prior to that at another very low point in my life I was being evicted from my apartment.  I had a 2 year old and was about 6 months pregnant with my middle child. It was Christmas time.  I had just put my tree up and had come home from work to a big yellow notice on my door to vacate the premises within 24 hours.  I was crying as I took down the tree and rushed to put as many of our belongings as I could into whatever I could find.  My children were sleeping and I turned the tv on just to have some back ground noise and a preacher on the television began to speak those words that Jesus spoke as recorded in Matthew 6:26.  There I was in the middle of distress.  Crying is an understatement as I remember sobbing uncontrollably wondering what to do and where to go.  Suddenly because of those words I felt hope.  I knew everything would be alright somehow. 

    I can’t recall where we went that night.  It was some terrible motel.  I do remember going to Walmart.  The Salvation Army bell ringer was there.  I had to get diapers and only had $20. to my name.  I felt to give anyhow and I put $10. in the bucket.  It ended up being the Salvation Army that put my kids and I up in a much nicer hotel until we had somewhere else to stay.  Praise the Lord! Flash forward several years later and here I was feeling desperate again and this preacher is preaching the exact same message.  I just knew it was God that lead us to that church.

    A Relationship with God?

    We began attending church regularly. For the first time I was learning about how Christianity isn’t just about going to church but we are to have a relationship with God. This was new to my ears or perhaps hard times had given me ears to hear. I began to take what I was hearing preached on Sundays or taught at Bible Study on Wednesdays home and studying it further for myself. If it was true that I could have an actual relationship with the Lord I didn’t know another way. I would pray and just ask the Lord to help me understand better.

    Up until that point any time I had tried to read the Bible it was like a foreign language or gibberish to me. When there was something I comprehended it was distant like a fairy tale. I can’t say that I recall exactly what I was reading but one day suddenly I was began to understand. It was as if my eyes were finally opened to something that was there all along. It was like a bright light suddenly came on illuminating the darkness! I understood what I was reading. The difference was so profound that I would say it was miraculous.

    Hearing His Voice

    Not long after that miracle I began to hear or recognize the voice of the Lord speaking to me or I thought I did. I doubted at first because the world around us teaches that if someone claims to hear God speaking to them that the person is mentally ill. However, I would wake up at night hearing a still small voice that I just couldn’t ignore. I wish that I could tell you the first words that I recognized as His but sadly I cannot. However I can tell you that often it was just a single word or idea unknown to me and repeated that I would later find in the Bible. As I’ve grown in my relationship with the Lord I hear much more than I did back then. It was only the beginning of our relationship. I remember visiting my Pastor at church not long after because I had something important to ask him.

    Is it possible to hear God speak?

    “Is it possible to hear God speak?” I was so frightened to ask my Pastor this question. I feared he would think I was crazy because it simply wasn’t something I had ever heard in church. I still remember the look of pure joy on his face when I asked him. The look was as if he knew something I did not which of course he did. His answer, “Of course He still speaks. He did not stop speaking to His children thousands of years ago. Our God is living and desires to speak and does to ALL who are willing to listen.” Next, I asked him how do I know for sure that it is the Lord and not my own thoughts. He then taught me how to pray for discernment. He said for me to pray to the Lord to help me hear His voice above my own thoughts and above the voice of the enemy.

    “Thoughts” because although the Lord can speak with an audible voice as well as through dreams and visions I have found that He most often speaks through our thoughts. I should warn you though that so does the enemy which is why studying the Bible and praying for discernment are extremely important. This is what enables you to recognize His voice when you hear it and discern it from other thoughts.

    The prayer that my former Pastor taught me I have been praying ever since. I haven’t stopped and oh the things the Lord has shared with me in the secret place, in His garden! I’ll speak more on that in another blog

    Faith comes by Hearing

    I’m sharing this because I want whoever reads this to understand that the Lord did not stop speaking. The Bible says in Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by HEARING, and HEARING by the word of God.” This does not mean that it comes by hearing others preach although that is important as well. It means that when we dig into His written Word ourselves that it enables us to recognize His voice when He speaks to us thereby increasing our faith. I’ll repeat here the other verse I mentioned in a previous blog. John 10:27 “My sheep HEAR my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”

    You will find Him when you really search for Him and when you do you will realize He was there all along watching you with arms wide open. He longs to be sought after. Having a relationship with Him where you can not only speak to Him but hear from Him will forever change your life for the better! It has mine. How?

    I hear from my Heavenly Father. He created me. He knows me through and through and I’ve learned loves me unconditionally. I KNOW Him intimately now in a way I didn’t know possible before. He comforts and guides my daily decisions. I no longer worry or feel afraid because I now know that I am not alone and that helps tremendously in times where life tries to make you feel lonely.

    Do you feel alone? I have been there but you do not have to stay that way. He is near to the broken hearted. I encourage you to seek Him and with your whole heart! For any that may happen upon this blog who have a similar experience feel free to share. If you have questions just ask. If I don’t have an answer I’ll talk with my Father.

    Love to all in the name of Jesus Christ.

    God still speaks. Are you listening?

    I should add that if you need prayer feel free to comment or you may contact my husband and I using our website or the phone number below:


  • Mercy Cries Out


    I see those who love with all they are

    And those who keep a humble heart

    I see those who welcome everyone with open arms

    who remember the darkness I’ve brought them from

    And give ME all the glory for who they are

    and for who they’ll become

    I see those who turn their backs on some that they perceive have garments less fair

    And those who shun Members of My Body who are bruised and in need of repair

    I see those who throw stones

    Blind to the glass houses that they live in

    And all who choose to be blind to their own sin

    I require MERCY over judgement STILL

    Without it you are outside of My will

    Love is still the more excellent way

    And MY mercies for everyone are new each day

    Pride still comes before the fall

    And I have judgement over ALL

    In My nostrils there is a smoke

    And by their own words they will choke

    Heaven is My throne; the earth My footstool

    Those who try to take My place have become as a fool

    I detest the “holier than thou”

    But on the broken and contrite I have made a vow

    A bruised reed I will not break

    Nor will I extinguish a smoldering flame

    I look upon them with abundant grace

    And it is them I lift up to a loftier place

    Why do some cast away doing what I will not

    Determining the value of someone is MY job

    I see My children hurting inside

    From arrogant spirits and those full of pride

    Those bound by them look to My Son

    But forget that for My Church His blood covers

    every one

    Leave a comment

  • It all started in a garden.

    What does Gania mean?

    Gania is a word that the Lord spoke to me several years ago while I was up late at night praying. This was not long after He began transforming me and my life. I didn’t know it at the time but discovered that the word Gania is a Hebrew word meaning God’s garden. The significance of the word is that in the Bible the relationship between man and our Creator began, as recorded in Genesis 3, in a garden; Also in the last book of the Bible the garden is mentioned in Revelation 22:1-5. The garden mentioned in the book of Genesis is called Eden and in Hebrew Eden means God’s delight. So, to be in the garden with God means to be in His delight. When man sinned God had to remove them from Eden, His delight. It states in Genesis 3:22 that Adam and Eve were removed so that they would not eat also from the tree of life and live forever. God, in His mercy, did not want man to live forever in a state of imperfection so from the beginning He formed a plan to save us by sending His only Son, Jesus. Through Jesus all who believe can be restored to God’s delight, His garden. Why is this important for you? This is important for every person that exists because understanding this answers the age-old question,” why am I here, for what purpose? ” The answer is so simple it seems almost too good to be true.

    What is our purpose?

    My husband and I both feel that the Lord has shown us that the purpose of all of our lives is to be in the garden with our Lord. His desire for us is to be in constant fellowship with Him and by doing so we will produce many spiritual fruits that nourish not just ourselves but those around us. These are the fruits mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23 of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These fruits can only be fully had by abiding in the Lord and when producing these we fulfill our purpose or God’s original intent for our lives, to love Him and to love others. There is all of this and more that can be experienced in His presence. It is unlike anything that you will get from things in the world, and He is ready to give it to you as you enter into a deeper relationship with Him.

    Seek Him

    You may be like I once was and not understand that your Heavenly Father desires an intimate relationship with each of His children including you. You may not even be a believer yet and perhaps are even at this moment thinking that this woman must be crazy for believing that she can hear God speak in the first place. It’s okay. That is what Satan and the world want you to believe and I thought that too for many years. However, I challenge you to truly begin seeking Him and not merely at a church service but in your daily life in prayer and the studying of His Word, The Bible. The truth is that you CAN hear God’s voice and have a very real and meaningful relationship with HIm. You can experience what the old church hymns speak of where He walks with you and talks with you all the day long. He is a living God and never quit speaking to HIs children.

    This is the purpose He created you for, to know Him fully as He knows you and to experience all of His many benefits including spiritual fruits. He is a compassionate and personal God, our Father, not some distant God waiting to strike you down at any moment. He empathizes with all of us because He has been here. He loves us deeply and unconditionally. There is nothing you can do to earn His love. His Word says in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” And in John 1:27-28 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

    The purpose of this blog

    The purpose of this blog is to encourage you readers to seek Him with all that you are so that you may come to know Him personally and how immeasurable His love is for you. It is to the benefit of your soul, your life here on earth and life eternal for you to do this. I tell you from experience that it is worth it. He is worth it! I only wish I had sought Him sooner. I hope and pray that all who come across this will be blessed and that it will help you to flourish in the garden of God that is within you.

    Genisis 3:8  “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” 
